303-918-4775 shearndon7@gmail.com

Rich Media and Dynamic Content

Online Advertising

As we move farther into the future business’ are more and more frequently redirecting their media budgets to be heavily weighted toward the online experience. It’s not enough to just appear online. You have to grab the viewers attention. Like driving at high speeds and trying to read a passing billboard. You may only have a few seconds. The challenge is to get them to slow down.

Arapahoe Community College

Arapahoe Community College banners

Case Study

Client: Arapahoe Community College

Purpose: Drive Attendence through online presence.

Description: This set of animated banners were built in three different sizes 300×600, 300×250 and 728×90. We’ve built many banners from all industries. Your industry, your choice. Click on the sizes above to view the banners animation.

Mercedes Benz of Westminster

Mercedes Benz layout

Case Study

Client: Mercedes Benz of Westminster

Purpose: Drive Attendence through online presence.

Description: This set of animated banners were built in five different sizes 300×600, 3000×250, 728×90, a 970×300 billboard and a mobile banner of 320×50. Only the mobile banner shows animation.

The Automotive industry in Colorado was among the first to make the journey to online advertising and certainly kept me happy and busy for many years. I was able to work on their websites, design sliders for their headers and too many banners to count. Click on the image for a close up.

Mobile Media

Saks Galleries of Cherry Creek

SAKS Galleriers

Case Study

Client: Saks Galleries Cherry Creek

Purpose: Mobile Landing page intended to bring awareness to Saks and their 50th anniversary in Cherry Creek.

Description: I built this landing page to not only have an elegant look, that would also highlight one of the many beautiful paintings they house in their gallery,  but it also incorporates three different rich media elements.

The first is the CTA or call to action, which upon clicking takes you to their web site, second it was built for the ipad or tablet and third, it incorporates video. Clicking on the video player plays a short promotional video they supplied. Click Here to view the actual landing page.

Video Promotions

Case Study

Client: T4S Partners, Inc

Purpose: To drive awareness and traffic from a virtual booth to T4S Partners web site.

Description: With the onset of Covid-19, almost all events moved virtual. This necessitated the creation of virtual booths. But how to make them engaging and interesting? I was able to shot and edit this video featuring Rob Ash, the CEO of T4S Partners for use in a virtual booth. It also served a duel purpose living on a landing page nested on their website that featured give-aways, downloadable whitepapers and other deliverables that I had a hand in creating.

ComSpark Digital Transformation Video

Eduardo (Lalo) Veliz Recruitment video

Case Study

Client: Batters Box Baseball Club

Purpose: To aid in the college recruitment of high school athletes.

Description: Years ago I was fortunate to meet and work with a high school coach that gave me an opportunity to do college recruitment videos for his players. That relationship spread to his summer travel program. I throughly enjoy the sport of baseball as well as the coaching and development of young athletes. I coupled this with my love of video production and was able to put together many college recruitment videos. One of which is listed to the left.

If you’d enjoy seeing additional videos please visit my YouTube channel by clicking here.

Digital Animation

Case Study

Client: T4S Partners, Inc

Purpose: External Partner Promotion

Description: I’ve always enjoyed animation. I designed this short clip to highlight T4S Partners, Inc Application Transformation partnerships. It was never used, but I thourghly enjoyed making it, start to finish.

The graphics were created in Adobe Illustrator and the animation was done (there were two versions), both in Adobe Animate and Adobe After Effects. Enjoy!

T4S Partners Application Transformation Animation

* Due to the time period in which some of the illustrations were created some of the links have been disabled or are no longer in service. Offers contained are no longer valid and are for design purposes only. If you would like to take a deeper dive into my work,  It can be found by clicking the button below. ©Don Shearn 2020

Click Here for more examples of my work