303-918-4775 shearndon7@gmail.com

Print Design

Print Media

Having worked for the Denver Post for 25 years I was responsible for the design and creation of many of their print media deliverables. Whether it was a newspaper ad, Direct Mail piece, or event program. I was fortuntate enough to be in on them from concept through creation and on forward to the printed product enjoying all stages of the print design process.

The Denver Auto Show

Denver Auto Guide cover

Case Study

Client: The Denver Auto Show

Purpose: Event Program.

Description: From Concept to creation I was incharge of collecting the articles, designing the floor maps, creating advertsing for advertisors who didn’t submit camera ready, speaking to columnist, cover design, content organization and magazine layout.

I was pretty much involveed in every aspect of it’s design and creation. The full program can be viewed here.

Re/Max Professionals

Remax Real Estate

Case Study

Client: Re/Max

Purpose: Full-page, 4/C newspaper ad to promote current and available home listings.

Description: This was a prescheduled Real Estate ad in which I received all listings in an Excel document and the home pictures were retrieved from the MLS site. Once all information was gathered, I laid it into one of three templates in Adobe Indesign, heavy use of stylesheets and the Adobe Creative Suite. Select the image to see a larger view.

I would caution that these listing prices are no longer valid and the homes themselves, perhaps, no longer on the market.

Catholic Cemeteries Conference

Catholic Cemeter

Case Study

Client: Archdiocese of Denver

Purpose: To promote the Catholic Cemeteries Conference held in Tennessee.

Description: I was commissioned to design the promotional materials for an upcoming Catholic Cemeteries conference. Being that it was held in Nashville, I incorporated a musical theme for this promotional flyer. I also placed a background image of the “Grand Ole Opry” into the concept. 

Wild Horse Ranch

Jackson Hole

Case Study

Client: The Brooks Companies

Purpose: Direct Mail piece to highlight ranch land.

Description: Four color, two sided, with specific crops and bleeds on a highgloss, heavy stock. Click on the image to the left to get a closer view.

Foot Solutions

Remington Homes

Case Study

Client: Foot Solutions

Purpose: To drive traffic to their four different locations.

Description: This piece started out as an 4/C insert that later ran in a GEO targeted zone publication. As such it was originally designed for a high gloss stock and later ran newsprint. Both were effective.

Click on the image to see a better view. Offers and coupons are no longer valid.

* Due to the time period in which some of the email templates were created some of the links have been disabled or are no longer in service. Offers contained are no longer valid and are for design purposes only. If you would like to take a deeper dive into the email templates I’ve created many can be found by clicking the button below. ©Don Shearn 2020

Click Here for more examples of my work