303-918-4775 shearndon7@gmail.com

UX/UI Design

Over 15 years designing the best in web design for my clients.

With You Every Step of The Way

With over 30 years experience in design and marketing let me know how I can help to promote your business .

Landing Page
Website Design

Our experience spans from Landing pages and splash pages to micro-sites, websites and more. If it’s on the web let us help.

View My Work Here
Email Marketing Tile
Email Design

Email marketing and the design of email blast and templates provide and effective marketing too to help you get your brand noticed.

View My Work Here
Dynamic Content tile
Rich Media and Dynamic Content

Future forces are leading more and more of us to a mobile first approach to our lives and our designs. Here are some examples of the work I’ve done through video, mobile, UX/UI, dynamic content and rich media advertising.

View My Work Here
Print Design

If you’re looking for print production and design I’ve done it. Whether a multi-page design and layout, a two-pager, magazine ad or a newpaper ad. Click below to see some of my work.

View My Work Here
Digital Illustration

Many of us Graphic Designers/UXUI Designers/ Web designers have our beginnings in Art. Here are some of my illustrations.

View My Work Here

 Wireframe and Prototype

Every project has a starting and end state. With careful planning and detailed organization many of the “hickups” in the final design process can be eliminated. (Prefer to work in an Agile environment, but am familiar with others as well i.e. Waterfall etc.)

UX/UI Design Process

I generally perscribe to a more Agile design process, but at times have worked within a waterfall process if needed.

UI/UX design process

Starting with a general idea detailed notes, then graduate to a more detailed “Word Template” or “Outline”, each step of the way I’ve found it convenient to at times bounce my ideas off a different set of eyes and get different perspectives. Once I’m confident in the direction I put together some rough layouts or Thumbs or wireframe, so that I can be confident, spatially, that everything will still work as I envision. If time permits, I will even provide a low-frequency layout (at this stage I like to bounce these off my manager or director so that they have a clearer idea of the direction I’m taking and give me their feedback). Moving on to a higher frequency, tighter layout using as much of the “actual content” to be used in the final product, I can then show this once again to the rest of the team and incorporate any suggestions or changes, after the high-frequency mock-up has been signed off on I am ready to begin creating the final product or working prototype which then, again, has to be approved. Once all are aligned, I can then begin the process of completing the final. View Prototypes Here.


About me…

Born overseas but raised in Colorado has given me a unique outlook on the world around me.

I have designed, planned and implemented all manor of  internal and external advertising, promotions, events and deliverables. I’ve provided creative direction of multiple accounts and visual sales support for an entire sales force. I’ve met their needs for web design, prototyping, print design, analytics and tracking, including job organization.

I’m an energetic, positive person who really enjoys the field of UX/UI Visual Design. I have over 30 years experience in the design of Web pages, splash pages, landing pages, email marketing, online banners, print media, brand marketing and digital illustration. In the motion graphics field, I have used Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC. For my prototyping I prefer Figma and Invision Studio but can use Sketch and Adobe XD as well. I am extremely proficient in the Adobe Creative Suite.

Authorized to work in the US for any employer